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Quality & Process

Quality Assurance

CAM Engineers Pattern is committed to Total Quality Management and Continuous Improvement as the only way of doing business. We will establish an environment for causing improvements by educating our people in a common language of quality. We will exchange company values and information along with implementing changes

  • Our Definition of Quality is: 100% Customer Satisfaction
  • Our System of Quality is: Prevention
  • Our Performance Standard is: Zero Defects
  • Our Measurement of Quality is: The Continuous Improvement of Key Business Indicators

CAM Engineers Pattern's Quality Assurance Program relates to better managing the business and supporting its employees, satisfying the needs of the customer, and assuring the quality of their products

ISO Certified Company

Effect April 21, 2005 CAM Engineers was found in compliance with ISO 9001-2000.
ISO 9000 is an internationally recognized set of standards that contains elements for ensuring quality products or services, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. The goal of the TE Supplement in Conjunction with QS 9000 is the development of fundamental quality systems that provide for continuous improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste for suppliers of tooling and equipment.
View CAM Engineers ISO certificate
